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Deferral Policy

A deferral is when a student postpones starting or continuing a certificate program or specialization until a later date. Deferral policies vary depending on how frequently a program is offered.

Policy for Certificate Programs or specializations Offered More Than Once a Year

Accepted students — students who have been accepted into a program but have not yet begun — may defer their start one time. They must start the program within the following three quarters to keep their seat.

Continuing students may take a break between courses. They can defer only once, and they must resume the program within the following three quarters to keep their seat.  

Policy for Certificate Programs or specializations Offered Once a Year

Accepted students may not defer but they may reapply to a future offering.

Continuing students who want to take a break between courses may not defer but they can withdraw and reapply to the certificate program or specialization when they'd like to continue.

Waitlists and Deferrals

When a student is waitlisted, they are offered a spot in the next instance of a program. Being waitlisted is not the same as a deferral, and it does not impact your ability to defer in the future.

Deferral Requests

If you have any questions about deferrals, or if you’d like to make a deferral request, contact Enrollment Services at

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